This year we are holding the reunion a little earlier as we will be joined by Stan Lebar all the way from Maryland. Stan led the design team for the Apollo lunar camera and is really keen to visit (with some family members even) to personally thank some of the team that brought those first pictures of Armstrong and Aldrin on the lunar surface to the world. Incidentally I read recently that Armstrong's first step on to lunar surface is the most requested News clip of all time.
Stan has put together a presentation and it is hoped that he can also provide some sort of demonstration of one of the last surviving cameras. More details later. Click here for Stan's biography.
The reunion will be held again at the Southern Cross Club in Woden on Thursday 16th March from 11:30 am in the Orion Room. All Ex-HSK, TID, CRO, PMG, DOS and Parkes people (in fact anyone involved in Apollo, or any of the missions, at any of the stations and around Australia). Click here for all the event details - how to 'sign up' etc. If by chance you are in town, but can't make the lunch function, Stan will be making a presentation at the National Museum of Australia the same evening at 7:30 pm. And if you live in Sydney and can't make it to Canberra - Stan will be giving another presentation at the Power House Museum at 7:30 pm on Tuesday 14th March. Full details of the public lectures can be found on Colin's great Web site HERE. But please try to make it to the lunch if you possibly can! Here is the list of who is currently attending the lunch.
Ed Von Renouard is travelling all the way from U.K. for the event, and also Nev Eyre from the wilds of Buderim in QLD. As many will know both Ed and Nev were the video kings for all the Apollo and Skylab missions.
Incidentally the date was chosen partially because Canberra's weather is usually at it's best in March, but also it is during the Celebrate Canberra week - so there should be plenty for Interstate visitors to see and do. But we did not realise that the Commonwealth Games would also be on during that week......
So please visit the details page and above all - BE THERE!
John Saxon 9 Mar 2006