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This year's picnic was held on 7th April, and for the first time the weather was absolutely superb.
Betty and I got to the site around 9:30 am and got a few bits 'n pieces set up. By 10:30 we were beginning to think that we'd better hold future picnics at 2 or 3 year intervals - but then people stared arriving, eventually around 30 attended.
Here's a selection of pictures. By no means all who attended. Click on a small picture to get a larger one - none of them will take too long to download.
From the left - Bernie Smith, Margaret Kirkpatrick, Jim Kirk, Bryan Sullivan, Mike and Jean Linney. Bernie is expounding, and Mike looks singularly unimpressed!
Chas Collins chats to a pensive John Sever . Col Power enjoying the sun....
Andy Tupalski and Kieth Hiscock - both attending for the first time
Mike Dinn signs Bernie Smith's copy of "The Book" - Jim Kirk seems to be 'elsewhere' ! Pity about all the clouds......
Alan & Agnes Foster drove up from the coast and enjoyed a good day.
Ginette & Martin Geasley chat to Keith Hiscock - some old fogey in a hat got in front...
Dick & Mrs Stubbs looking fit & well
Bryan Sullivan, Coll Power & Tony Gerada - at least that's one non-Comms person :-)
Margaret & Jim Kirkpatrick soaking up the atmosphere
Me in typical pose while Martin Geasley and Bernie Smith exchange notes
Jean & Mike Linney with "The Book" Paul Mullen & Chas Collins relaxing
Sorry about the variable thumbnail sizes.
So there it is - hope you enjoyed the day as much as I did.
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